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Tuesday 7 June 2011

Contain the fruits of Doom on the sugar and alkaloids and resin materials
His influence is clear in the treatment of disorders of sexual potency in men and increase the number of sperm, as well as good impact on the level of testosterone «testosterone». As well as
Lowers blood cholesterol, one of the most important diseases that cause hardening of the arteries, heart and brain, hence the strong relationship between the impact of plant Kkhavd pressure and cholesterol and its impact on sexual sperm and testosterone «testosterone»

Lack of secretion of this male hormone not only affects the energy and sexual ability, but also affects the strength and memory, and poor bone structure also affects the decline also low efficiency of some of the processes vital to the body, but this was necessary to have sources of safe natural to compensate for this lack of natural «physiological» in rates of secretion of the male sex hormone.
The fruits of doum fruits rich in mineral elements and vitamins of drinks that regulate blood pressure raises the pressure is low and reduces the high pressure which is a feature rare in other drinks ..
You can work and Dom cup instead of a cup of tea by adding a teaspoon of powder to the dome cup of boiled water and eat hot


 Reduces the percentage of diabetes in the blood, and cholesterol. Carob centuries and is considered food strengthens the immune system in humans laxative for constipation, which reduces the cases of vomiting, and help reduce sinus infections and vocal cords, as they stimulate blood circulation, equivalent to acidic or alkaline in the intestine and absorption of some toxins and molds
Modus operandi of carob drink
Boil with water in a bowl to cool and then encouraged by placing in the refrigerator

Tamhrind contains antibiotics, able to annihilate many of the bacterial strains of various harmful human beings this side benefits of laxative and antacid, soothing and antipyretic improve digestion and expels flatus and soothing sore throats and are laxative moderate, and give medicine to open the appetite and strengthen the stomach. It is also used to relieve constipation and is given for dysentery, especially if mixed with cumin and sugar. And given the loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and constipation. It is used against the increasing acidity of the blood and is used soaked tamarind to rid the blood of excess acidity in the expulsion of the contents of the poisons. Tamarind is used to treat dysentery and treatment of cold and lack of appetite.
How to prepare the tamarind drink
  Soaked in boiling water for a simple with the addition of a few leaves of hibiscus, fennel seeds and then left until it snaps and then filtered and added to it a little sugar,
• Ingredients: Tamarind roll
Cup Hibiscus
Approximately 3 liters of water
Sugar to taste

• Preparation: 1 - the disintegration of tamarind leaves and wash

2 - and then add the hibiscus then Almaa

3 - and leave the whole night and soaked in boiling if possible urgent

Then, after soaking filter strainer narrow

4 - and add sugar and stir well
Of course, sugar Bihtaj lot

5 - and then placed in a beaker
I put in the standard 3 cup or 4 as needed
And in the bags and sort the time of need
When the application is placed in the snow Cup
Apple cider vinegar

Apple vinegar benefits food and many health, potassium where it is very effective in getting rid of excess water body and regulate blood pressure.The calcium which is an essential component of apple vinegar, Victhr role in maintaining bone strength and guard against the vulnerability and fragility.
To the process of slimming and weight loss:

Apple vinegar is used to remove excess grease from the human body by taking two tablespoons
Than in the small cup of water at every meal, and for one year and that is enough
To remove approximately ten hits grams of fat, without the need for a
Particular diet does not reduce the time of food or diet and other things.
How to make apple cider vinegar

Taken nearly four grams of Kilwa apples, wash thoroughly and cut
Quarters disarmament without peel or seed, but will have the full content of the apple, then
Brushed inside the basket are perforated plastic or the like to be a good ventilation
Him, and covered with gauze light on insects and leaves in place of Duffy, and for a week until the
Itbektr show a strong pungent smell from the smell of fermentation and the accumulation of notes
Bacteria on the edge of Apple gradually so that a bacteria with the passage of the entire apple
Time, then taken to the basket and placed inside the bottle so that the apples inside
Bottle not exceeding five Asfv accumulated over some, to be slow Atsarh
And correctly without the weight of apple is caused in the era, covering mouth
Bottle with a cloth and leave in place of Duffy, and monitors for a week, and all I saw
That there is a yellow liquid had gone down in the bottom of the flask Sign my heart and discharged in a bottle
Directed by another without the apple of your hand and without touching him, repeat the process until you find that
Apple has dried up and no longer a liquid, then get rid of it, and the nomination of vinegar
You have previously collecting bottle again, you'll find that vinegar leaves residue and sediment color
Brownish-black Let it gather the bottom of the bottle, and poured vinegar Bgarop again, that the
Remains have vinegar pure and free from impurities. At times take the cold process is
Approximately 25 days, hot days does not exceed 12 days

Tomato juice  

Tomato juice is a delicious drink at the same time cheap contains a large proportion of the vitamins and mineral salts.
Prefer to add lemon juice, tomatoes, because it preserves a wealth of vitamin "c" and prevents oxidation.
It is also possible to add rose water or basil leaves to tomato juice.
Some prefer eating alone without tomato juice mixed with other juices and adds others have some other juices such as apple juice, carrots, oranges
Apple juice.
Apple is a high value it contains a large proportion of the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, and contains a large proportion of fiber that fills the stomach and given a sense of satiety.
Tomato juice, carrot and parsley.

Cut Islands 3 fruits and four fruits of tomatoes into small pieces and beaten in a blender and added to the water and the parsley papers